This is a dedication to every heart that has fallen in ‘Love’.
I smile; I give you a smile that instant,
I am happy; I make you happy from that very moment.
What’s it that causes this reflection?
A mirror it is...Mirror of LOVE it is...
This is a lesson taught to ‘her’ by LIFE and taught to ‘me’ by ‘her’...!
We all have certain likes and dislikes. Most often we have reasons to them and for a few, we can’t really reason out as to why they fall in a certain category. Well, that’s how it is ...It’s something we feel a certain way; we might not have an explanation for...Without pondering on ‘those’ with no reasons, here is a story about this big dislike a girl always had towards something with all the reasons to support this aversion of hers!
“Friends can be said to 'fall in like' with as profound a thud as romantic partners fall in love. ~Letty Cottin Pogrebin
And NATURE, the Mother of all, cradles this relationship called “FRIENDSHIP” at Her best!”
After having lived our emotive moments at the Malpe beach & the St. Mary’s island, we went to Ujire from Udupi in the public bus service. Booked a sumo from there and resumed our travel in the western ghat section post our dinner. We were on our way to Ghattikallu now...A village about 6 hours from Udupi, in the state of Karnataka, India.